Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back Atcha

I've tried. Lord knows I've tried to get back to the optimism that is supposed to be the object of this blog. Positive ideas. Self help. Etc.
But it's hard, y'know?
This morning I had every intention of getting back on track when my attention was diverted. It seems this blog was mentioned in something called Tony's Kansas City. (Note to female readers: Tony is one of these guys who must constantly prove his manhood by putting up centerfold-type shots with lots of cleavage. Well, I guess in fairness he may not be compensating. Maybe he just wants to be able to brag about the hits on this mess of a site and hope we won't realize it's just the same 10 teenagers in their moms' basements clicking in over and over again.)
But he mentioned me so of course I had to spend some time looking around his site and quid pro quo, I'll link him (ewww) just this once.
Tony is a bitter and unhappy blogger. He does not like the Star. Even so, as the names of those laid off began to dribble out, he played it all solemn. "Damn," he wrote, after announcing the first few names.
Of course, he called Mike a d-bag, as he seems to have a case of d-bag Tourette's where Mike is concerned. That whole shtick has become something of a yawner. Really, he goes after my husband with a stalker's intensity that's a little..uh...weird to be honest.
But here's the reason I'm writing anything at all about old Tony. In an earlier post, at the end of "Five Reasons to Fire Mike Hendricks!!!" he wrote about the Star:
"...the Kansas City Institution (the Star) deserves every bit of financial hardship that comes their (sic) way as I link their stuff, make their content my own and chuckle as their business model is cleaned away from the digital age."

"As their business model is cleaned away from the digital age." The last part of that sentence is a mystery (seriously Tony. I can recommend some good English usage textbooks). But it's clear enough that TKC has been spending some time alone, working himself into a sort of auto-ecstasy over the mental anguish of not just Mike, but everyone who got bad news yesterday.
That's what gets me. To the Tony's and the Rush Limbaughs and the Ann Coulters of this world, this whole thing is a big game. No real people are involved. Just cardboard cutouts from the imagination impaired. And oh, how it messes with their minds when you don't fit into the perfect little category they have picked out for you. That's what comes, I guess, of sitting at a computer all day and never venturing out of your comfort zone.
In the meantime, people who've been dealt the indignity of layoffs and cutbacks worry about paying the mortgage and feeding their families. Should they also have to deal with these little Rumpelstiltskin creatures dancing around and cackling about it?

I've seen a lot of hateful stuff on this site before but never replied because until recently, I assumed Tony was 15, and how would that look? I decided today, though, that enough was enough.
Dwelling on this is seriously damaging my optimism vibe. So this will be the last time I write about this site. Ever. I have bigger flies to swat.
Tony, best of luck with your career. Hope you get a girlfriend or a high colonic--whichever is most effective. Adieu.


Tony said...

Passionate words Roxie.

Please enjoy my reply.


Anonymous said...

Grab your ankles and prepare to be pwn3d

Anonymous said...

Good lord, who is the 15 year old here? I don't think it's Tony. By the way, who has been talking about the downfall of the newspaper business and the wisdom of building a huge newspaper production plant despite a failing economic model? I don't think it's been Mike but it has been Tony. Who talked about a failing national economy while the very paper your husband works for was writing that the economy was fine? Who brought you the story of Gloria as Barefooted, Mammyfying Chief of Staff to our inept Mayor? Who got left in dust with that story?
Tony bitter and unhappy? Probably. Guess what, so are a lot of us. Unhappy at a newspaper that backed such an idiot for mayor. That thinks that Ink is going to save it's ass. That whines about bloggers but go on to become bloggers themselves. But I see by your blog ads that blog pimpage is important to you so you might give Tony a hearty thanks for any blog hits you might get this week because I doubt you'll be hitting those numbers again. And before you go insulting the people who read Tony again, I'm 48, a woman and a former reader of the Star. I read Tony every day. I can't remember one column of Mike's that has stuck in my head no matter how grammatically correct they may have been.
I wish you both luck in finding gainful employment.

Anonymous said...

First time over here courtesy of TKC. Because you're still struggling with Optimism, you may not be aware that Voltaire essentially put Optimism out of its misery exactly 250 years ago.


Things are only going to get worse so your optimism will continue to be challenged. Best wishes for you and your husband.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you would be better off being mad at the people at the Star who have run the paper into the ground. Can't blame that on Tony, can you? And your husband's column has been g-d awful for the most part., out of touch and eerily passes over the obvious time and time again... you may enjoy reading it, but many of us don't. Have you heard any great outcry over the piecemeal demise of Mike? I don't think so! On the other side of the coin, Yael is still there, the Zieman reigns supreme (for the moment) and the fools at McClatchey seem content to watch the Star perish without being all that involved...

Good luck to both of you in your future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

I am 50. I am female. I am here because of a link from TKC. Yeah the pictures were hard to ignore. My first thought was eww, then jeez, then o well. Now I am back in the gym. That is optimism at work!
I have had the Star thrown in my yard everyday since 1979. Before that I lived with my parents who had the paper(s) everyday. I like reading the daily paper. I rarely read your husbands column in depth. His view point never makes much sense.
I will miss DeAnn Smith. Every beat that she is on has been fertile ground for her intuitive journalistic heart. She covered KCMSD with a vengeance. We got a birds-eye view of the corrupt machinations of that school board blowing all of that deseg money. My God, when she hit Jackson County Shields rear was smoked out. In city hall she did not follow the Star party line of covering up for Funkhouser. She did not capitulate. That made her toxic. She was pushed put because she understands what reporting is all about. Your husband should learn from her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the column sucks. Defending it is like defending a smelly turd.