Saturday, March 14, 2009

Give my life some porpoise

Can someone please tell me why this video soothes me so much? I found out about it the other day on a tv show and have not been able to stop looking at it since. I bet I've watched it 10-20 times since then.
As I walked the darkened house at about 2 a.m., it occurred to me: Why not boot up the computer, watch the dolphins oh, a dozen more times? Does that seem weird? I guess I'm just losing it, but I find myself getting all indignant, seeing all that intelligence and spirit, and us not honoring it nearly enough.
I don't know. Maybe it's the lack of sleep. My brain feels a little cloudy today. Cloudy with a chance of brain storms. Oh Don Harman. Where are you now, to lighten my day with your news of a catastrophic solar event?

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