Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Hate More Powerful than Love?

Is it? Is hate more powerful than love?
It's a question I've been wrestling with a lot lately.
Had you asked me this question in my early 20s (and no doubt someone did. It would have been introduced at a party and talked about for hours. That's just how some parties were...) I would have said no. No hesitation. But with every passing year of life experience, the arrow on the agree-or-disagree meter has moved slowly toward "agree."
This is not cynicism. It's just coming to terms with facts.
Hate is easy.
Anyone who's flitted, cruised or lurked around the Internet knows this. Personal attacks, either through web sites or anonymous comments, abound. (Here's a Newsweek story, with my obligatory plug to subscribe.) When there's no chance of repercussion, people think nothing of putting up horrible, damaging things. Because we are none of us real on the Internet. We are only a collection of pixels.
I also think hate is ingrained from an evolutionary standpoint. From my position as an observer of science (I'm a blogger. I have no actual expertise in science. That doesn't stop me, though because remember, I'm a blogger.) I'd bet that we needed the instant rush of anger to protect ourselves from danger.
I know that's how it is with me. Throw an insult at me or my family and, in my mind, I'm whirling around and jabbing upwards with that broken bottle. I am so there, so living in that place. Even thinking about it, hours later.
Hate is more powerful. It has to be. It's the only explanation for the success of wildly fluffy stories of the "chicken soup" variety. You just have to try so much harder to find examples of love.
So the question is how, as an aspiring optimist, will I deal with that?
Long, long pause.
Apparently, I don't know the answer. So I'll just leave it at that.
Here's a memorable clip from Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing. Take note of the background music.

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