It's Day Five of the new positive meditation regimen (see previous post).
A mere three minutes a day to reflect only on positive thoughts. And how's it going so far?
Glad you asked. Here's a summary:
Tuesday--remembered for a few minutes but later...forgot.
Which brings us to today. So far, in fact right up until the minute I looked at this blank form and wondered, "What shall I post on?" I had forgotten. I guess this would be an opportunity for a little accountability.
So I'm going to do the meditation right now, in real time, as I write. I've always thought of writing as a meditative act, so let me just go get my timer.
Okay. Go.
Hmmm. Well, I just finished reading an online Newsweek article (we subscribe, you should too) about the dark side of the Internet, and how anonymity allows people to send horrific messages to each other and speaking of that, yes, I've felt a little of that dark side and...
Hold it, hold it. This is not positive. This is the opposite of positive. Try again.
Okay. Running. I went running today. Through the park and it was nice out. Looking at the park gave me ideas for garden blog posts and that will help the book.
Yes! There it is! The garden book is a positive thing. Mike and I signed a deal recently to put our 24 years experience into a yet to be titled book that will be out around Christmas time and hopefully making us money shortly after that. So yes. The book is positi....
Oh, dang. There goes the timer. That's how much writing I can get in in three minutes, leaving the typo fixing and spell checking for later.
But I'm on a roll here, so may as well keep up with the positive flow. Maybe I have more than three minutes of optimism in me after all.
The garden book and blog have been a lot of fun so far. In fact, we got a scoop on the creation of a kitchen garden at the Missouri governor's mansion similar to the one at the White House. (That is to say, it's a vegetable garden and it's on the residential grounds of an executive officeholder.)
Right now I'm revisiting some of our more spectacular garden flops for the "experiments gone horribly wrong" chapter.
It seems other aspects of life are also improving. I've gotten a few more calls from prospective piano students. I've applied for a couple of jobs (although one turned out to be just a way to get you to list yourself on Monster.com). So that whole process is beginning to lose its scariness.
And the past few days, I've come up with idea after idea (coincidentally, I've also been having terrible nightmares the past few days. Is this connected?) For example, I've jotted down hooks for three possible songs, come up with an idea to market some electronic music I already have out there, and have plans for a piano piece. Now I need more time to do them, because the extra students and garden book are taking more of my time.
All of that has to be positive, doesn't it? It seems the ideas always come easier when I'm extra busy. I wonder if my brain doesn't fear failure as much when each idea is just one of a huge group. Psychology thesis topic, anyone?
Wow. And all that without, really, doing the meditation I promised Friday. Maybe I should see what happens if I actually follow through on that.
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