Because we are now two for two on fantastic finds in our local outings. Like the newb at the slot machines, it's just taken a little good luck to make me hunger for more information on local big trash days. Get me some more quarters, stat!
So there we were, with sun setting on big trash day in the wealthier western part of town and absolutely no time for curbside shopping. We had tickets to the Wi--Sporting KC and family obligations up til it was time to go.
Let's just take a quick turn around a couple of blocks on the way there, Mike said. We probably wouldn't find anything anyway.
Around corner one. Nothing. Corner two. Nothing. Corner three...wait, what's that?
At the end of one driveway was a pile of cushions and some wicker-looking outdoor furniture. We looked at each other. Outdoor furniture was, in fact, our only objective in this entire hunt.
I got out. The two wide chairs and settee were solid and heavy. A little bleached out, but with very few broken weaves. We could get new cushions and replace the horrible (really horrible) white wicker stuff that has been shaming our front porch the past two years.
After a brief discussion, Mike stayed behind to defend our kill from the other predators while I sped back for the big van. When I got back, he said, "We're taking the cushions, too."
And now voila! New porch furniture that makes us feel human again. Best of all, it's plastic wicker and heavy enough that it shouldn't blow off the porch like the old stuff.
Here's our old, dog-chewed stuff:

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