Ahh, Microsoft. How you make my life better. Dare I count the ways?
Last week, for instance, I was in danger of being overwrought with earnestness, when along you came with the "Dream Dictionary," advertised on my home page.
The Dream Dictionary is an offshoot of the "Dream Central" folder. It's alongside horoscopes, fortune telling games, numerology, Chinese astrology and tarot on a site called "MSN Astrology."
Which proves two things: 1. MSN will one day rule the world and 2. There's no end of interesting ways to waste time on the Internet.
Now my dreams are legendary for being fantastic and complicated. Some are like old friends, I've been dreaming variations of them so long. But I also have a bad habit of waking up the family with shouts during some of the more intense dreams. If I find out what some of them mean, could it help me settle down and stop screaming?
I don't know. But let's open up the Dream Dictionary and see if it's any help.
First up, the UFO dream. My typical UFO dreams are not scary. They're awesome. Usually, I am outside and look up to see a kind of sky circus of weird and brightly colored craft of all kinds of fun and nonthreatening shapes. They're always flying crazily, zig-zagging, hopping. In my most recent one, a yellow UFO put its nose down in a parking lot and did a graceful pirouette before flying off.

So what does that mean, Dream Dictionary?
Let's see...alien, no entry; UFO, no entry. Spaceship? Ah, here it is. "Dreaming of a UFO acting strangely is a warning that events lie ahead that will require caution, clear-headedness and stealth."
Well, yesssss....I suppose that's true enough. In fact, I can't think of a time in my life that didn't require caution, clear-headedness and stealth. Thanks, Dream Dictionary.
OK, let's try another. The crazy travel dream. I must get to a destination, which involves travel on every conceivable thing. A plane trip of at least 20 hours (or, sometimes, I must fly a little Cessna that keeps sinking dangerously close to power lines) on top of a train, on an ice-breaking ferry over a frozen channel. That kind of thing. When I get there, I will be someplace very remote but beautiful because it's so snowy.
Hmmm. Airplane is in there as a search for higher existence or freedom from the mundane. OK, but that doesn't convey the anxiety that goes with it. As for snow, that's good, good, good. It means success in business, unexpected happiness or something "wonderful and surprising." I should be looking out the window for the people with the Publisher's Clearinghouse check, apparently.
So far, so good. But I was disappointed that I couldn't find an explanation of my weird physical ailments dreams--like when I needed surgery because my head was literally on crooked, or when I woke up in one dream with legs a different color than the rest of me. What heading do you look under for something like that?
It doesn't matter. Maybe if I can figure out what some of these things are about, it will help the dream of my family members, who would like me to stop dreaming so much and shut the heck up so they can get some sleep.
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