It finally happened.
My glasses broke Sunday.
While this isn't exactly life-changing news--compared with what's going on in Congress and even the Grammys--it's a big deal to me.
You see, I've been dreaming my glasses would break for weeks and weeks. To the point that it was becoming a dream genre, as in "Oh, the glasses dream again."
The glasses were crushed, appropriately enough, by the Kansas City Star. (Joke alert. We still have a sense of humor, I hope.) That is, by the Star dropping on them unexpectedly from the heavens. I guess Mike didn't see them before he put the paper down. It was just an accident. A symbolic, metaphorical accident.
And it got me thinking: What other dreams have I been having that might come true?
I have a lot of dreams. They are almost uniformly bad and I can remember most of them. Many come with screaming in the middle of the night. My daughter and her friend have a running joke with the punchline, "Die, bitch," because that's what their tender elementary school ears heard me yell one night a few years ago.
So if these dreams really have the potential to come true, here's what I might expect my future to hold:
1.At some point, I will be forced to crash land a commercial jet full of passengers. In the ocean.
2.I will take a long, grueling journey over one or more polar ice caps taking at least six different modes of transportation, including one where you ride on the tops of trains.
3.Doctors will tell me I have to have groundbreaking, never-before-tried surgery to correct the alignment of my head, which is skewed horribly off center.
4.I will go outside one day and look up to see an amazing assortment of flying machines from aliens, or the US military. When I try to call someone about it, I will be frustrated because the line will be taken over by a nonstop robo call.
5.I will get to sleep inside a giant taco.
Notice the college exam dream is not in there. I quit having it after going back to school for my music composition degree--a cure I heartily recommend to all.
As to the glasses. They cost $360 three years ago at Walmart (I popped extra for the lenses that tint in sunlight). I was racked with guilt when I bought them, because it wasn't totally necessary. I just grew to hate the pair that was covered by insurance, and wanted to change. Now, it seems like a lifesaver to have this backup pair, since we're no longer covered for eyewear.
I've already bent them back a bit and hope the stem can be glued. Woo-hoo, optimism!
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