Last week, I was not a pleasant person to be around. Well, ok. let's say I was even more unpleasant than usual. I moped. I picked fights. I obsessed on our finances.
But things are going to be different this week.
And, so good. I forced myself to run and lift some weights. More than just once in the week. That's helped, no denying it. But with the downsizing at the six month mark and things not that much improved, it will take more than just exercising.
So today, in an effort to keep a happy face, I'll be writing exclusively about things that lift my spirits.
1. Well-timed focus groups. If you're lucky, someone will call at just the low point in your pay cycle and ask you to drop by and spout opinions about some products, for which you'll be paid. Of course, they'll also make you disavow any knowledge of their existence. Which is why I'm absolutely not saying I'm going to be in one, or that I've ever been in one, or what the subject matter would be. But it does cheer me up when they call, just at the precise right moment, and I have the time free and I qualify. Is all I'm saying.
2.Beautiful goals. The Wizards haven't been consistently that great this year, so I don't necessarily mean them. In this case, I'm talking about my daughter's goal Sunday. Not just a goal, but a game-winning goal. It was beautiful, an arcing shot at speed from the left side that looked so high I was sure it wasn't going in. Then at the last second it dropped down and into the sweet spot in the far corner of the net. And off her right foot, too. I replayed the mental tape of that goal several times, when I was having trouble getting to sleep.
3.Elephants that paint pictures. Or maybe I should say elephants who paint pictures. I came across this video, which has apparently been verified enough to be on National Geographic.
Now if she'd only sign it.
4. Engrish. Those badly translated signs from Japan (China or other Asian languages) are always fun. Here's one I lifted off the Oddee site. Click here for more examples from this site.

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