Here are a couple of items from the news this week that don't really have much to do with anything. But they're funny.
The first is an MSNBC story about Japan's first lady-to-be Miyuki Hatoyama. Her husband, Yukio, is due to be voted in as prime minister later this month after his party defeated the Liberal Democratic Party. The lowdown on Miyuki: She once acted in an all-female revue, she claims to have known Tom Cruise in a previous life (he was Japanese then) and to have ridden on a triangular space ship to Venus.
Oh, and she eats the sun. "Like this, hum, hum. hum. It gives me enormous energy," she was quoted as saying on a TV interview, as she raised her arms and tore off imaginary hunks of sun.
Interesting sidlight: Her husband was nicknamed "the alien" because of his large eyes.
Remind me again. What was it that irritated us so about Hillary Clinton? Why is it we didn't like Teresa Hines?
And is there any way we could get Miyuki to come back to the US for a while? Seriously, could we pay her? Because I'm thinking we need a little crazy to cheer us up right now. If we could just keep from tearing her apart, she'd be just the lift the country is looking for. And hey, I could see that sun eating thing catching on.
Hum, hum, hum.
On another MSNBC site was a slide show featuring dogs groomed to look like this:

Here's to a good long weekend. Please come join us some time at Mike & Roxie's Vegetable Paradise. The book is still on track, has its Library of Congress number and ISBN. No final cover design yet.
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